1 BE-j ook geenzins heeft konhen wegdra gen (d). $o6 J. W. TE WATER OVER ENZ. degefitium conditioner eimdewpue disfertatianis defenpone te vinden in het IV deel van middleton.'s Wer ken, uitgegeven in 't jaar 1752. (d) Btographia Britannica vol. V pag. 3082, 309^« Men vindt daar de volgende aanteekeninge: "The Doctor [Mead) in his disfertation concerning fome medals ftruck at Smyrna, in honour of the Facul ty, had espoufed the opinion of Mr. Chishull that a college of Phyficians was fettled in this city from the most ancient times&c. This is allo wed to be a very ingenious conjecture, but laid to be built upon no fuffkient grounds, fince the- fe medals may be accounted for with greater pro bability by referring them to Homer whofe birth-place is thereby determined in favour of Smyrna".

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1782 | | pagina 650