566 j. f. voltelen over een meritoque crederes; haec duo inter prae* cipuas notas magnae intestinorum iiiflam- matloni pon en da, Ncc tamcn Ji quando cdierum vel utrumque horum aut abesfe aut vix esjeïnveniescontinuo putabis aut nullam esje inflamrnatïmem aut Is* vemneque gav.graenam et fphacelum in cor urn esje intest'mis non posfein quibus duo ilia praecesjtsfe non videris, qua il in (o): toll puljui in colica injlammato. via nor. fldendumcum non raro parvus ct dcbilis tar.gaiurlicet vires exorbi- tent. En hulme (p) byzonder, daar by fchryftthe intestinesthough actu- 5? ally inflamedare not always attended v with that degree of pain, fever, and j, other violent jympioms, which are com- rronly expected, I have known a pu- v crperal patient Jit up in bedeat hear- v lily, and complain of very little pain w in the abdomenunlejs uvon presjing S} it, yet the difeafe in a few days hath v proved mortaland i have found the i? intestines greatly inflamed". En of die niet genoeg warekan na en 't zelfde door riverius (q)de haen (o) Met\. Med. inflwnm.pag. 163. (p.) Treatife 01 the P-uerp. Feverpag. 172. ftp Gbf. Med. cent. iv, opf. 26, p. m. 337.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1784 | | pagina 604