110 such of the Scotts nationas reseid herealso the magistratts doe grant to the harbor-chirurgian of the Scotts nation a suf ficient hous rent-free. The magistratts are also holden by this article to provyde and appropriat to the use of these of the Scotts staple a convenient place for their merchands and fac tors. therin to aire and dry their sheep-skinnshyds or other goods, which may be in dainger to be damnified by watter or otherways, and also to affoord those of the Scotts nation a convenient place for their merchands and factors within or near the tounwherinto they may resorte for their bodilie recreation and lykwayes libertie and freedom to the Conservator, his deputs, court-officers and merchants to fish, hunt, shoott (and) hauck in all places under the jurisdiction of this toun without lett, hinderance or molestation with the same freedom, the magistratts themselves enj oy 20 1). And in case as God forbid - that by reason of any intesten warr or plague the people of the Scotts nation may not with securitie and saifftie to themselfs frequent this toun, then it shall be lawfull for them to transport themselves, their goods and merchandice freely to any other toun or place they shall think fitt, provyded alwayes they pey befor their depairturewhat they shall be justly adebted to any inhabitant within this tounand the magistratts is hereby halden oblidged to caus help and assist the said nation with shipps, hoyes and all other things, necessary for their transportation, upon their reasonable charges. And inlykmauer the magistratts are by this article halden oblidged, that if in case which God prevent any difference should aryse betuixt the king of Great-Brittan and these United Provinces, whereupon hostilitie and warre may ensue, in that case they are to give save and sure protection to all persous of the Scotts nation for sex mo- neths tyme aftir the publication of the said warr, according to the 82 article of the generall treatie betuixt the king of Vgl. 1612 art. 27; 1668 art. 3.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 146