171 modité de ladite ville de Gampvere, de son embouchure, de sa rade et de ses ports, en sorte que quand d'autres villes viendroyent a ofirir les mesmes conditions a la Nation, celle- cy debvroit estre préférée a toutessans contradictioncomme je m'asseure que les dits députéz ne pourront s'empescher d'en rendre tesmoignage a Yotre Majeste, a laquelle je sou- haitte toute gloire et prospérité, en la suppliant d'aggréer que je continue de me qualifier avec cequeje doibs de respect Sire, 1). 5. Extract uit een brief van Temple aan Arlington, 16 October 1668 2). On Sunday I had a long visit from the Prince, who seems something unsatisfied about the business of Terveer, which is wholly undone by the changeand the isle of Zealand a good deal prejudiced. He says, he writ to the King about it, but had no answer, atrributes the thing to Sir William Davison first, and to my lord Lauderdale, but believes there is money in the case; and to say the truth, one does not know what to make of it, when they say most of the Scotch merchants here 3) are unsatisfied with it, and have reason to be from the illness of Dorts haven in comparision to the other. However I did your Lordship right 4) 6. Extract uit een brief van Temple aan Arlington, 12 Maart 1669 5). I gave M Secretary Trevor not long since an ac count of proceedings heer about the English company at J) Onderteekening als bij den vorigen brief. 2) De geheele brief is gedrukt in de weinig voorkomende uitgaveSelect Letters to the Prince of Orange (now King of EnglandKing Charles the Second and the Earl of Arlington all -written by Sr. William Temple London MDCCI (p. 87 vlg.). Nl. in Nederland. NL door te vertellen, nat Arlington in de zaak gedaan had (hiervoor blz. 166). State Papers Foreign, Hollandbundle 199 (Public Record OfficeLondon). Archief 1906. 15

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1906 | | pagina 207