82 XIII. Acts and ordinances off the priviledgesgranted by His Mayesty and the Royall Burrows to the Conservator and resident of the Scottish nation in the whole bounds of the Seaventien Provinces and at the stapell-port, where it isnowsetled by authority in the toune off' Dordregt, or where hier af ter it may happen to be setled etc., thatt allmer- chandsfactorsskippers or any other belonging to the nation, shall observe and obey under the highest penalties, therein expressed, that none may pretend ignorance. 1. In the first that nomerchands, factors, masters of ships mariners or any other, belonging tho the stapell of the na tion, shall have or injoy any benefitt, liberty or priviledge of this nation, except such as profes the true and sinceer reli gion of Jesus Christ in all points, as the same is now esta blished by laws and acts of Parliament within the realme off Scotland. 2. Item that all merchants, factors, skippers, mariners and others, under the nation resorting, for the tyme in the toune of Dordrecht come and repaire to the church on the ordinare preachingdaysunder the penalty of ancient acts and to the supper of our Lord, under penalty as aforsaid. •3. Item for eschewing of the fraud, which hes been and is used towards His Majesties customes, and that His Royall Majestie be not abused therein in tyme coming, it is statute and ordained, that all cocquets shall contain in speciall and particulare the haile quantity and specification of all the goods with the names of them and unto whome they pertaine, ac cording to acts of parliament. 4. Item that all the merchands and skippers at their first arryval and coming on land shall pass immediately to the Conservator and resident or his deputies house, to the GemeentearchiefCopieboelc fol. 155.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 118