83 effect tliey may be informedhow they ought to behave them selves as alsoo understandif there be any unfree men or unfree mens goods amongst them, contrary to the acts off Parliament and Burrows, under the penaltie as aforsaid; and every merchant, young or old, at his first voyadge to be incorparate and pay his pound Fliemsif he be a burges son if not, to pay double; and that all merchands, factors and skippers are to answier tho what the Conservator or deputy shall enquire of them, to their best knouledge. 5. Item that whosoever is warned to court or other- ways to compear before the Conservator or deputy and com pears not, shall pay accordingh to ancient acts. And if any wilfully or contemptoussy disobey, he shall be imprisoned and pay according to demerit 1), and shall acknouledge his fault before the court, craving pardon for the same And whoso ever injures the Conservator or deputy by word or deed, directly or indirectly, shall be punished and pay to thee Con servator and poore according to ancient acts and aclcnovledge his fault before the court and crave pardon for his offence. 6. Item that no Scotsman call one another before any judge but the Conservator or his deputy, under the penalty according tot ancient acts, and to be ruled by the laws of Scotland; as also that every skipper at his first landing hier shall come presentely to the Conservators house or his deputy delivering over his cocquet, and to declare before them, if he lies any unfree goods more in his ship, then stands in the cocquet, and to give up every mans name, that comes along with himand not to permit any thing less or more to be landed, untill he have thus come to the Conservator or his deputyunder the penalty as aforsaidand that all merchands and factors are hierby warned te custome their goods justly, as they aught to doe for their own reputationthat there may no complaints be made to the contrary. 1 Sic.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 119