84- 7. Item that no factor shall trade in marchandice, di rectly or indirectly, or insureance to the prejudice of their cautioners, masters and merchants contrary to thee oath of their admission, and that none of them presume to shew their dissoyalty by speaking directly ot indirectly to the prejudice of His Sacred Majesty our Royall Kings person or prerogative, nothing excepted, nor to speak to the prejudice oft' any of His Majesties councellors, nor any of His Majes ties well instrusted servants, nor of the church-government, now established. And whosoever shall happen to hear any such thing of merchants, factors, skippers or any other of His Majesties subjects, and does not make it presently known to the Conservator or his deputies, shall be counted alike guilty; and as they and every one of them shall be answea- rable to the contrary, according to His Majesties acts and acts of parliament. 8. Item that all marchands and factors are to make marcket at the stapell-portand there to remaine year and day, before they transport any of the stapell-commodities, directly or indi rectly in great or small partiesunder penalty as aforsaid with such other pecuniall penalties according to law. 9. Item the skippers are to bring no women passingers ont of our country, except those of good report and with their sufficient testimonies according to our ancient acts. The master of the Scots house is ordered constantly to send the names of all those passingers of the nation, that come passing and repassing to lodge at his house, under the penalty as aforsaid; for so oftem as he shall omitt his duty hierin, and in case of neglect or contempt, to be punished accordingly. 10. Item that all merchants, factors and skippers and all othersbelonging to the nationfor the honour theroff are to attend and convoy the Conservator and deputy to and from the church with honest apparrell on all solemne days and high tymes, as also at all other tymesat burials with mour- ning-cloacks or without, as the Conservator or deputy shall

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 120