85 think most fitting for the honour of the nationand to nil other publike or private meetings, as occasion offers; as also that the merchants and factors are and shall be obliedged ac cording to ancient acts to count and pay to the Lord Con servator and minister theis dews, allowed them by the King and Burrows, without fraud or guile, upon the penalty as aforsaid. 11. And that no factor take another mans customer of his hand either in buying or sellingupon the penaltie as aforsaid toties quoties as they shall be complained upon to the Con servator or deputy, and to stand to their further perrill. XIV. Acts of the Royall Burrows at their generall convention begun and holden at Edinburgh the first Teusday off July a0 1669, in favors of their stapell-port, setled at Dordrecht. The 17 act of the Roy all Burrows. The same day statuts and ordaines for the better preser vation of the Scots stapel, now setled at Dort, that no stapel- commodities be transported to any port of the Seaventien Provinces but to the toune of Dordt, and in particulare dischairges and prohibits all merchands and skippers of this kingdome to carie their stapelgoods to Zeelant or Rotterdam whither the same be in coallships or other vessels, with cer tification the same shall be escheat. The 19 act of the Royall Burrows The same day for the better distinguishing and putting delference betwixt those goods, that are stapelgoods, and those, that are not, the Convention statuts and ordains, that the commodities and wares underwreaten shall be reckoned, holden and repute stapellgoods in all tyme coming; viz furst skins of all soarts, hyds of all soarts, wool playdingh and all Gemeentearchief: Copieboek fol. 160 verso.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 121