y-yv/ 97 And in lyke maner the magistratts and toun-couucill of Campheer for carieing on a work of so much profeitt and advantadge to this place have deputed upon their pairt the Heeren Johan de Mauregnault, bailliu, mr. Jacob Goddin andLENOARD Thijssen, rueling burgomastersPeter Naehout, schepen 1) ende mr. Hendrick Serooskerke, penteonaris and raet deser stadt, as comissioners in their names, with full pouer to conferr and treat with the said Oonservater and to conclud upon such articles, as shall be agreed unto for esta blishing of the Scotts staple-court within this toun. 3) And both the saids pairties baveing by vertue of their se- verall commissions divers tyms mett, they have at lenth mu- tuallie resolved and agreed in the forme and maner, conteined in the following articlesviz 1 3). Thatfor the keeping and preserveing of the strick allyance and freendshipp, which by Gods providence is made betueen Plis most sacred Majestie of Great-Brittan etc. and the Lords the States Generall of the United Netherlands and for the long enjoyment of the fruitts of so happie ane peace, the magistratts of this city in all things according to their pouer upon all occassions shall serjouslie give a just and reall demonstration of their true affection to His Majesties royall persone, authoritie and government and of their constant in clinations to the weellfaire and tranquilitie of His Majesties kingdoms a ad dominions and in particular of His Majesties kingdom of Scotland; and in the manifestation thereof the saids magistratts shall to their pouer obstruct and hinder the buying or selling of all maner of amunition of warreweapons offensive and defensive, unto or by any fugitives, rebells, enimies or others, disaffected to His Majesties royall persone and governmentas alsoso far as in them isto hinder the Het HS. heeft: „Stephan". 2) Hier is ingevoegd de commissie der stad Vere dd. 1675 Februari 15 (met Engelsche vertaling). 3) Vgl. 1668 artt. 1 en 2. Archief 1905 7

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 133