98 printing and publishing of all seditious books and pamphletts within their jurisdiction and also the transporting of them to any of His Majesties" dominionsand if at, any tyme hereftir the same shall be discovered by the Conservator or his deputes and information given to the said citie-magistratts their of, they shall caus speedie punishment to be inllicted upon the persons so offending, being found within their jurisdiction, according to their demerits. 2 1). That there may be one firme correspondence and agreement betuixt the Royall Burrows of the kingdom of Scot land and the magistratts and toun of Campheer, with the ap probation of the lords commissioners from His Royall Highnes the Prince of Orange, for the establishment of the Scotts staple-court in the said toun of Campheer for the space of tueutie ane yeirs and so much more tyme, as shall be the- reaftir agreed upon by the Royall Burrows and this tounthere to enjoy the priviledges and immunities, mentioned in the en- sueing articleswith all other priviledgesformerly granted by this toun by antient contracts, especially that of the yeire 1612, except in so far as may be innovat by this agreement, or that may be agreed upon hereftir for the furder encurad- gement of the said intercourse of trade, and that the magis tratts of the said toun of Campheer shall give publict assu rance, that during the whole tyme of this agreement the said Conservator and all other persons, haveing dependance upon the said staple-courtmay have ane free and saiff conduct and pro tection within this tounand that they with their famillies and goods may peaceably duell and negotiat there and in the jurisdiction therof. 3 3). In regaird all the staple-comoditiesthat cometk fra the kingdom of Scotland, are of the naturall production of that cuntrie, most of them unmanufactored, by which means the toun of Campheer and other touns of the Provinces have Vgl. 1668 art. 48. 2) Vgl. 1668 artt. 18 en 19.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 134