99 the conveniencie and advantadge of reduceing the saids como- dities into severall manufactories fitt for usequherby they rype ane greater benefeett then the people ot the Scotts nation, therefor it is by this article agreed, that all the saids staple- commodities may be freely imported to this toun without paying any toll or custom, as is here called incoming-convoy, licent- money and vijeilgilt-money and lastgilt, upon any of the Scotts shipps or other vessellis, quhatsomevir to them belonging, and from all such impositions for the futureand that all residen- ters, belonging or anyway depending upon the staple-court, may be free to enjoy all the priviledges and freedoms, that the burgers themselfs doe enjoy within the toun and jurisdic tion thereof; and by this article it is agried, that all goods, which wer staple-comodities in Sir Patrick Drumond's tyme, are hereby declaired to be staple-commodities and no others. 4' That the Conservator without lett, hinderance and molestation may exercise jurisdiction in all causes, civill and criminall, over the persones and goods of all those, who belong to the Scotts staple, as also over all others of the Scotts na tion, alredy duelling or which shall heraftir duell, remaine or lodge within the toun of Campheer or freedom therofso that no magistratt or judge of this toun shall have pouer to deter mine in or upon any questiondifferencecivill or criminall at any tyme happening betueen tuo of the Scotts nation, but the same caus shall be only pleaded, adjudged and by defini tive sentence determined by the court of the Conservator; and that no factor be member of the court, and that without con tradiction or appeal!; and incase of incivilitie, contention, op position or resistance the city-magistratts shall affoord the Conservator or his deputie all help and assistance to bring the offenders to usewall and deserved punishment. And that all acts, ordinances, sentences and decreits, made and given in the Conservators court, as also all certificats and lettres tes- Vgl. 1612 art. 9.: 1668 artt. 33, 36.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 135