100 timoniall, given, acknouledged and granted under the hand of the Conservator or his deputie and secretary, with the office-seal thereto affixed or appended, shall be held and estee med in all caseseither civill or criminallals oblidgeing legall and authentiek to all intents and purposes as any other given and granted by the magistratts or judges of this toun in cases belonging to their jurisdiction. And the Conservator shall within sex weeks aftir the signeing of this contract give to the magistratts a list of all such personesas are under the staple-court, as also of those, that shall happen from tyme to tyme hereaftir to live under the jurisdiction of the staple-court. 5 x). If any question or action civill shall fall out betueen any of the Scotts nation and any of the inhabitants of this touneither native or strangerthe plentive or first complener he being a Scotts man, shall be oblidged first of all to apply himself to the Conservator or his deputieand being a Dutchman to the magistrattsthat there may be arbitrators nominat over the bussines in question. And the said Conservator togither with the magistratts shall upon either syde yeirlie name three arbitrators, the present to include the absent, that may freely cognosce, arbitratt and determine upon the saids differences; and the sentences and decreits, so past in judgement by them upon the willing submission of the pairties, shall be holden als valide to ail intents and purposesas if the same wer past in judgement befor the magistratts of this toun or Conserva tors court; and that all such decreits and sentences arbitrall so given shall with all expedition be putt in execution accor ding to the priviledges of this toun and lawes of the cuntrie. And if it should so happenthat the saids arbitrators be equall in their voices, in that case the saids arbitrators shall choise ane umpire, that may pronuncee the arbitrall sentence; and if the saids pairties will not willingly submitt to the said arbi trall sentence, then the same is to be brought before the ma- Vg] 1668 art. 34.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 136