103 bridge to the lionscalled the Olipliantand that the same be keeped free only for the use of the Scotts nation, provyded with key-crans, good help and assistance with boattsdick- boattslightersespeciallie in tyme of frostwhen shipps cannot come to the haven; that there be appoynted a good number of sledds, waggons and labourers for the tymelv loading and unloadiug of their shipps and goods, which labourers byre shall be regulate by the Conservator and magistratts of this toun. And if it shall so happen, that the haven, so appoynted by the magistrattsbe not sufficient to conteine all the number of the Scotts shipps, that shall happen to come, in that case the magistratts shall caus accomodate them with so much more place, as shall be neidfull, by causing their haven-master re move all other shipps from the shoire, to the end there may be no contraversie fall out betuixt the mariners of the Scotts nation and those of other nations; and the magistratts shall take such ordor in this point, that these of the Scotts nation may have no caus to compleane. And the shoir-masters shall by the magistratts be ordained to keep the saids havens and keyes voyd and cleare, that the shipps of the Scotts nation may the more comoduously unload and reload without any hin- derance or molestation The haven-master shall lykwayes have a caire, that at all occasions, when the Scotts shipps are comeing in and goeing out, the haven shall be patent and open to them without any impediment. And if at any tyme the shoir-master or any in his name shal maliciously cast louss or cutt any cable or any other rope upon the shoir of any of the Scotts shipps, he shall be punished therefore by the ma gistratts at the sight of the Conservator or his deputie. And if the magistratts or shoir-master faill in any of this article, the magistratts to be lyable for all coast, skaith and damnage. 9 That the merchands of the Scotts nation, coming to this toun in their negotiationsmay be weill served with pioners l) Vgl. 1668 art. 8.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 139