104. labourers and workmenwith sellerswarehousses and lofts at ane moderate and easie pryce to be payed by the saids per- sonesand incase any burgar or other inhabitant shall demand of the saids merchands unreasonable rathesthe magistratts of the city shall moderate the samenand the hyre of the la bourers and workmen shall be payed according to the rates, that shall be agreed upon by the Conservator and magistratts of this toun, to be sett doun in ane table, to be made and published for that purpose, of the wages to be payed for the sleddswaggons and workmenas also of the scout-boattsby watter goeing and coming from this toun to Midelburghthat the labourers and workmen may be holden to observe and keep the same inviolable conforme to the tenor hereof, the master of the slcout-boatts to be lyable for any damnage, susteaned betuixt Midelburgh and Campheer. And all merchandizing goods, unlivered out of the Scotts shipps, shall be caried and transported off the shoir in the winter befoir thrie hours in the aftirnoon and in summer before sex hours at night. And if any of the saids labourers or workmen shall committ any in civility be word or dead to any merchands, factors, skippers, mariners or other persones, belonging to the Scotts staple, the magistratts shall furthwith caus such to be punished according to the demerite of the fact. And incase any of the goods and wairsbelonging to the saids merchantscomes to susteane any damnage or loss by the inadvertancewillfullnes and delay of the cran-mastershis substitute or his servants, by him employed for the loadning and unloadning of shipps, the cran-masters shall be oblidged to make good the said damnage and loss so occasioned, and incase of refuseall shall be thereto compelled by the magistratts: also the workmen and sladers shall be oblidged to make good all damnages and losses, that shall happen to merchands-goods throw thair default. 10 n*). And for the better accomodation of the Scotts na- Vgl. 1612 art. 11 en 12; 1668 art. 9.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 140