105 tion in this toun the magistratts shall be holden to provyde a fair and large hous, weell accomodate for ane conserjarie- hous which house shall be free from all excyse and impost upon wyne and beire, the yeirlie rent and constant repaire of the said hous to be at the charge of the toun; and if the said hous shall not be fund sufficient, the magistratts are hereby halden by ane new addition to enlarge the same, or if it shall be fund necessary to have another hous of interteanmentthe same to enjoy the lyke priviledges, as is above mentioned onlie the rent of the second hous to be payed at the charge of the nation. And the master of the conserjarie-hous is hereby halden to repaire such thingsas are willfullie spoyled or dam- nadged throw his default within the hous. 11 1). That if it should happen which God forbid that any of the Scotts nation or any belonging to the Scotts staple-court or haveing dependance thereon should in this toun or jurisdiction thereof committ such a cryme or fault, for which lie ought to be punished capitallie by the loss of his life or limb, in that case it is by this article agreed unto, notwith standing of the forsaid crymethat his goods shall not in any sorte be lyable to forfaulture or confiscation; but the same shall remaine free to his airs or executors, only the delinquent to pey ten punds Pleemishand to be free as to his goods according to the priviledge, granted to this toun by the earle of Zealand And in lyke maner all the goods and others, that shall be fund in his custodiebelonging to any other mer chant!principal! or freend, shall not be lyable to any confis cation for any offenceby him committedalthough it wer in crimine lese majestatis of whatsomevir kynd; bot the same goods shall be holden free and made furthcomand to the right owners and proprietars thereofand also that no persone who may be guiltless or innocent, shall for the offence, guilt or fault of any other be in any way es arreisted or molested in his persone or 1) Vgl. 1G68 art. 40.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 141