106 goods, except he shall be fund bund and oblidged either in his persone or goods for another. 12 1). That no person, belonging to the Scotts staple, shall or may be arreisted in his persone and goods in the toun or jurisdiction thereof for debt or any other civill ac tion whereupon no sentence is pastexcept there be fund just caus of suspition, that the pairtie is about to absent him self; and incase of a declaired sentence the magistratts are here by holden not to give ordor for arreistment of any of the Scotts nation, untill the same be first made knowen to the Lord Conservator or his deputie, being present in the toun, that the pairtie may give cautionand upon knowledge of the matter the proces may be determined. 13 3). That no native or stranger, burgers of this toun or induellar therein or jurisdiction thereof, shall have pouer or be permitted to trade, deal or traffecque in Scotland in any goods or merchandice, which are alredy declaired or shall hereftir be declaired staple-commodities, by bringing them over themselfs or causing others to bring them, upon the penaltie of haveing the saids goods confiscated toties quo ties by the magistratts of the toun; and if any persones of the Scotts nation shall be fund in their names to cover, conceal and ne- gotiat for the abovesaid persones, they shall be punished by the Conservator or his deputie according to the lawes of the staple-court. And it is by this article furder agreed, that no persone of the Scotts nation shall be made a free burgar of this toun without knouledge and consent of the Conservator or his deputie; and they, who ar alredy burgars, shall in no maner of way be favoured to trade in staple-goodsuutill such tyme as they have quytted their right of burgership and the- reftir be legallie admitted and declaired by the Censervator or his deputie as members of the Scotts staple-courtupon the penalties above exprestnether shall any induellar iu this toun i) Vgl. 1668 art. 39. a) Vgl. 1668 artt. 37, 38.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 142