107 be admitted under the Scotts staple-court without the knou- ledge and consent of the magistratts. 14 1). And for the better encuradgement of the naviga tion and trade of the Scotts nation it is by this article agreed thatincase "any ship or ships, belonging to them, be robbed, spoiled or taken at sea by any inhabitant or others, holding tkemselfs under the jurisdiction of the province of Zealand, the magistratts of this toun shall hereby be oblidged to endea vour according to their pour that all such shipps or goods be againe restored with their intire loadnings or what shall be so robbed or taken, or els caus full satisfaction be given to the persone or persones so wronged, propportionallie to the right value thereof, and shall caus the delinquents be punished ac cording to the nature of the offence: but if so that the offen- dar duell under another jurisdictionthen the magistratts shall be obliged by their pentionary or others to require the re stitution and satisfaction for the said damnageand that at the coast and charge of the toun. And furder that all goods of ships cast away, belonging to the merckand and factors of the Scotts staple, that shall be saved by any inhabitant or other persone, holding themselfs under the jurisdiction of this toun, or any way concealed or made away be them in any sorte, then the magistratts are hereby holden to use their pouer and authoritie, to the end the saids goods or value thereof might be furthcomeing to the right owners, and the persones so of fending to be severly punished for such their concealment and unjust detention; and also incase the saids goods shall happen to be taken upconcealed or embazled be any persone or per sones, liveing without the jurisdiction of this toun, the ma gistratts shall use their best endeavour to gett the saids goods or their value againe restored to the right owners. And in case any shipp or shipps shall be in danger to be cast away in the passage, leading to this toun, that then all possible Vgl. 1612 art. 21; 1668 artt. 24, 30.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 143