108 and speedie lielp shall be imployed at the coast of the owner of the goods for preservation of the same. 15 x). If incase any of the inhabitants, here being adebted to any of the staple, shall come to obtaine letters of respyte of tyme or suretie de corpis or cessio bonorum, these of the nation shall be favoured and used in the same maner as any other creditor, induellar in this toun; and if it shall happen, that any of the staple, adebted to any induellar in this cun- trie, or ane induellar, adebted to any of the staple, doe come to faillif in that case it be fund necessar to appoynt a cu rator over his goods, then shall te magistratts with the Con servator upon each syde choise a curator or overseer, who shall joyntly dispose and manadge the whole estate of the pairtie insolvent. 16 -). For the better secureing of the estate of any of the Scotts nationthat shall happen to die in this tounethe ma gistratts is by this article holden to grant and agree unto those of the Scotts staple-court, that if any of their members hap- ning to die or depairt this life intestat, without making his last will and testamentthat then and in that case their goods and estate shall and most fall under the administration of the court of the Lord Convervator, in so much that nether the magistratts nor the orphans-court in this place shall have any thing to doe with the saids goods or estates of the persons so dieing or exercise any authoritie thereupon. 17 s). The magistratts doe by this article promise and consent, that the Conservator or his deputie shall and may use the prisson of this toun at their pleasure, furnished with all necessars thereto belongingin which the Conservator or his deputie shall and may caus to be imprisoned all such deb tors, offenders and evill-doers of the Scotts nation, which Vgl. 1612 art. 26: 1668 artt. 35, 42. 2) Vgl. 1612 art. 26; 1668 art. 46. 3) Vgl. 1612 art. 19; 1668 art. 22.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 144