109 liethe said Conservator or his deputie, may imprison, and againe enlarge out of the same at his or their pleasure without contradiction or being oblidged to informe the toun-magistratts therewith, and that the marshell, keeper of the prisone, or his officers be oblidged to give all due assistance to the said Conservator or his deputie, als often as he or they shall be thereunto requyred. 18 1). And for the better secureing of the trade of the Scotts nation it is hereby agreed, that the magistratts shall upon all fitting and convenient occasion in the tyine of warre and danger procure in the court of admirality in Zealand a weell furnished man of warre, ane or mae, if need be, that may freely goe out in convoy of the ships, belonging to the Scotts nation, to any place or places within the river of Eorth or any other place in the kingdom of Scotland, and there to stay and attend for the space of fourteen dayes for bringing back the saids shipps or others to this porte. 19 3). It is by this article agreed, that the magistratts of this toun caus good and sufficient watch to be keeped in the streetts in the night-tyme, especially in those places, where the greatest pairt of wairehousses of the said staple-court are, and shall also take caire, that the inhabitants and burgers of this toun shall carie and demean themselfs peaceablie and in ane freendly maner to those, who are members of the said staple-court. And furder the saids magistratts doe also consent by these presents, that those of the Scotts staple may take in their service such ane doctor of phisik, chirurgian, barbor and appotheeary, as they shall think good, without any con tradiction, who may enjoy all such immunities and priviledges, as be right and custome belongs to the doctors, chirurgians duelling in this tounj all other doctors, appothecaries and chi rurgians shall also be freely permitted to practise among all Vgl. 1668 art. 18. 3) Vgl. 1612 art. 20; 1668 artt. 5, 13, 14, 21.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 145