Ill Great-Britann and the States Generally to the end that those of the Scotts nation may recover and gett in the debtsdew to them, and also peywhat they may be owing to any of the inhabitants here, and theraftir withdraw themselfs to any other place, they shall think fitt, the magistratts affording them the same assistance, mentioned in the foirgoeing pairt of this article; and when the pestilence is over, the Scotts nation to return againe to this toun. 21. That if any of the Scotts nation shall happen to marie with any woman in the Netherlands or within the toun of Campheer and aftir the said mariadge reside here under the staple-court, the said woman shall be holden to be under the government of the lawes of Scotlandand that she neither shall nor may by contract of marriage or otherwayes detaine, keep or dispose of her husbands goods to the prejudice of his law- full creditors, bot concerning that shee most be regulat accor ding to the saids lawes of the kingdom of Scotland; and lyk- wayes that no persone, whither man or womandepending upon the Scotts staplebe permitted to dispone of their goods by testament or otherwayes, contrare to the saids lawes of Scot land and staple-court; and the tutors and curators of childreen in minoritie shall also be regulat according to the saids lawes. 22. And cjuheras the trade and commerce of the Scotts nation doeth consist not only in the importation bot also in the exportation of goods and merchandices from these provin ces, in which the toun of Midleburgh is concerned, that the magistratts here may make the same known to the magistratts of Midleburgh, to the end the Conservator and othersbelon ging to the Scotts staple-courtmay be used in that toun with all kyndnes and freendly respect and with the same freedom and immunities, that any free burger here may there enjoy. 23. And for the better observance of the staple-porte it is by this article agreed unto by the Conservator, that no staple-goods, conteined in the list made thereof, shall be brought and sold into any harbor of the United Provinces bot to the

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 147