112 staple-porte under the paine of confiscation of the saids goods, and that the Conservator is halden to persew the contraveeners rigorously without any connivance according to the lawes of the staple-court: that the magistratts of this toun may make ane suteable adress to His Highnes the Prince of Orange for in- terposeing his authoritie, that incase any of the Scotts nation shall importe any staple-goods to any other toun or place in these provinces besyde the staple-porte, that the respective ma gistratts of the saids touns or places may by His Highnes be oblidged to assist the said Conservator, his deputie and other officers for bringing these of the Scotts nation to condigne punishment according to the nature of the offence; and incase justice cannot be obtained in those towns or places in these provinces in the Netherlands, then the Conservator shall caus punish the saids persons for transgressing in Scotland according to the ordinances of the Royall Burrows and acts of Parlia ment of that kingdom to that effect. 24. It is by this article agreed, that besyde the species of wyne and beirewhich by autient contracts lies alwayes been free of excyse, so also all sallt, bought here by any of the Scotts nation, shall be free of the said duetie, in regaird they have use thereof for cureing and dressing severall sorts of staple-goods; and for the avoyding fraud and deceitt, that may happen therein, those of the Scotts nation shall take a billott from the pachters 5), under the paine, enjoyned to the inhabitants by the publict placcatts of this landand the said wyne and beire to be caried by the ordinar workmanappoynted for that purpose. 25. And lykwayes it is agreed, that the magistratts doe appoynt ane anchor with a boy thereon to be laid out in the road before the haven, quherby shipps, belonging to the Scotts nation, may gett savely into the road in cases of eisterly and northerly winds. 26. As also if any of the Scotts shipps can help his nigli- Het HS. heeltpathers.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 148