jry 113 bor with the ballast from his shipp, those of the scouttmen shall not be permitted to object against the same; and they shall only demand payment for such quantitie of ballast, as they shall be ordered to bring aboard, provyding it be no less as sex last. 27. And that all skippers and masters of shipps, alsweell as the residenters of the Scotts nation, are hereby holden to be free of the excvse of the wyne, beare and salt, that they may have use for thair shipps; and to have constantly bilgets given them without paying anything for the same. 28. -1) That the magistratts doe yeirlie and everie yeare in January assemble the cranmasters, weighers, measurers, work men and other personeswith whom those of the Scotts staple shall have to doe, and shall caus to be red and published before them all and every the tables, that shall be agried upon for the. hyre and sallarie, that may be demanded by the saids persons, and also to caus read any pairt of these articleswherin the above mentioned persones may be concer ned, to the end they the better know how to regulate them- selfs therein and give all reddy obedience thereto; and incase any person shall contraveen the samethey are to be punished by the magistratts according to the demerit of the offence. 29. 2) And whereas it will be necessarie, that the saids Scotts staple-court should be provyded and furnished with faithfull and fitting messingers, officers and servands and also with brookers, weighers and measurers, that therefor the ma gistratts of this toun with the knouledge of the Conservator shall choise and place so many honest, good and knowing per sones, as may be requisite for these offices, to be chosen alsweill out of the Scotts nation as inhabitants of this citie, all which persones so admitted are to take ane oath of fidelitie before the magistratts of this toun and also befor the Con servator, for doeing right both to the buyer and seller. The Ygl. 1668 art. 44 2) Vgl. 1668 art. 6. Archief 1905 8

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 149