116 shorte entries, bot only ane moderat fyne, and that there be no more payed for measuring of plaiding, then wes in Sir Patrick Drumonds tyme, viz. ane half stiver per taillie or ane stiver the 100 elns. 33. And if any persone or persons, citizen or inhabitant of this toun, or any depending upon the said staple-court of whatsomevir qualitie or conditionshall be fund to have acted or done anything contrare to this agreement or any poynt or claus therein conteined, yet notwithstanding the agreement mentioned in the foirgoeing articles shall not be understood to be broken or violated therebybot the persons contra- veening being a Scottsman, shall be punished by the Conser vator and being ane citizen or inhabitant in this tounto be lyable to the punishment by the magistratts according to the qualitie of the offence. 34. And it is hereby agreedthat if any dispute shall happen to aryse betueen the Scotts nation and the ballance- masters concerning the right of those goods, that are to be subject to the said ballance, the ballance-master shall only pretend the dewes upon such goods, as shall be reallie and truely b(r)ought to be weighed at the said ballance, and no others; and the merchands to be free to sell their merchan- dice by the peice, number or bulk without being oblidged to bring the same to the wiehous 2)and in lyke maner the cranmaster shall not demand from the Scotts merchands and factors any cran-dewesbot allenerly for such dewesas he shall actuallie be employed to liver with the said cran. 35 8). It is also agriedthat if incase any of the Scotts nation shall through misunderstanding, negligence or other caus whatsomevir omitt to make ane true and right entrie of their Vgl. 1668 art. 45. 3) De woordenand the merchandswiehous kwamen iu het door den magistraat van Vere onderteekendc exemplaar van het contract niet voor, wel in het. Contract van 1697. 3) Vgl. 1668 art. 29.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 152