117 goods and merchandize to be by them imported or exported, be it either in quantitie or qualitie, the saids goods shall not be lyable to any confiscation, only the persons so offending shall be oblidged to pey the duetie double for the goods, wrong entered or concealed, and the saids goods to be free. 36. 2) It is lykwayses agried, that if any question or dif ference happen to fall out betueen any of the Scotts nation and the publict receivers of the toll and other dews, the re ceivers are to bring their action befor the magistratts of this toun, to the end the Conservator or his deputs may have knouledge thereof, and that such good ordors may be setled therin, that these of the Scotts nation may not be extortioned in payment of the saids dewes upon exported goods. 3) 37. It is also hereby agreed for the better setleing of the Scotts staple within this toun, that the magistratts shall use all possible endeavers with His Highnes the Prince of Orange and the States of Zealand, to the end the imposition upon the Scotts coall be lessnedthat all the Scotts shippscoming to these provincesmay thereby be oblidged to come con stantly to the staple-porte. 38. It is by this article mutuallie agried, that when- soevir any Scotts sliipp or vessells shall be by stress of wether or otherwayes putt in to Campheer, haveing in staple-goods, and not being intended to liver within the Sevin United Pro vinces in that case they shall not be trubled nor molested In het door den magistraat van Vere onderteekende exemplaar van het contract stondfourfold. Hetzelfde wordt bepaald in het Contract van 1697 waaruit tevens blijkt, dat de Staten van Zeeland bezwaar maakten de boete te verlagen. -) Vgl. 1612 art. 8. 3) Hierachter stond in het exemplaar van den magistraat van Vere according to the old list and taffliu, of which a coppie to be delivered to the Con servator. De Schotsche koopsteden wilden lezen: according to the table in Sir Patrick Drumonds tyme; dit werd echter niet in de oflicieele copie opgenomen. In het door den magistraat van Vere onderteekende exemplaar van het contract week dit artikel van den hier gegeven tekst af.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 153