118 bot shall have libertie to goe to their intented porte and to pey no dewes; as also if any vessell shall come in to the staple-porte or other goods, that are not staple-goods, being only intented to unload a pairt at the stapleand is to goe to another place without the Sevin United Provinces with, the remainder of the goods, then they are not to be trubled nor molested, nor to pey no dewes bot what they doe unload. 39. It is by this article mutuallie agried and declaired, that the continuance of the Scotts staple at Campheer shall continue and endure for the space of tuentie one yeirs aftir the signeing of this agreement and no longer without the sameu be renewed; and in respect the Royall Burrows of Scot land stands bound to the toun of Dorte to keep their staple- porte there, therefor the magistratts and toun of Campheer, with consent of the lords comissioners from the Royall Highnes the Prince of Orangebinds and oblidges them not only to doe their outmost endeavour and to interpose with His Highnes the Prince of Orange for making voyd ane former agreement betuixt the Royall Burrows and the toun of Dorte anent the establishment of the Scotts staple there, but also binds and oblidges them to freeth and releive the Royall Burrows of Scot land of the said agreement with Dorte and of all coast, skaith damnage, which they or any particular Scottsman may sus- teane or ineuxre any maner of way be -vertue of the said agreement with the magistratts and toun of Dorte, which they solemnly be thir presentis oblidges them to doe and performe. 40. in consideration of all the forsaids articles the magis tratts of the toun of Campheerwith consent forsaiddoe promies to observe and caus to be observed inviolably all the forsaids articles, that are performable upon their pairt; as lykwayes the above mentioned Conservator, be vertue of the above written commissions, hath promised and be this under- writtin subscription doe promise, that ordor shall be taken Hier ziju blijkbaar eenige woorden uitgevallen, b. v.haveing in staple-goods.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1905 | | pagina 154