LIV NOORWEGEN Kongelige Norske universitet, te Oslo. Kongelige Norske videnskabs-selskabet. te Oslo. RUSLAND. Société des naturalistes, te Moskou. Institut des Recherches Biologiques, te Perm. OEKRAÏNE. Société des naturalistes, te Kiew, (Rue Korolenko 2710). ZUID-AFRIKA. Centrale bibliotheek van het Departement van Landbouw, te Pretoria (Transvaal). South-African biological Society, te Pretoria (Transvaal). Nederlandsch Cultuurhistories Instituut, te Pretoria (Trans vaal NOORD-AMERIKA. Smithsonian institution, te Washington. Smithsonian institution. Bureau of American ethnology, te Washington. National academy of sciences, te Washington. Surgeon-general's office library, te Washington. American museum of natural history, te New-York. American academy of arts and sciences, te Boston. Boston society of natural history, te Boston. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences, Newhaven. Academy of natural sciences, te Philadelphia. Elisha Mitchel scientific society, te Chapel Hill (North- Carolina). Lloyds library, te Cincinnati (Ohio). Ohio State agricultural society, te Columbus. Academy of science, te St. Louis (Missouri). Missouri botanical garden, te St. Louis.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1935 | | pagina 62