The medical returns of this day arc very disheartening. Not a regiment is there but what has suffered in a greater or less de gree, and some of them so excessively, as to be sent to the hospital bv companies. This has been the case with the 23d, the whole of which, with the exception of about fifty men, is in the hospital. On yesterday's parade they were excused from all further duty, and reported in the hospital. Nearly one half of the 36th regiment are in the same condition, and four hundred men of the 26th. The 71st and 84th have like wise suffered most severely and if the pro gress of the disease continue, and it seems likely to do so, not a man will remain for garrison service. The attack is generally very sudden, being preceded by a common cold. The dysentery and cholera morbus are certainly contagiousand if every care were not taken to ensure cleanliness, a still greater number would have been swept off. Manv of our officers have likewise been 23. zoodat wij menig- malen ooggetuigen wa ren dat er van 30 tot 50 militairen op eenen dag hegraven wierden.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1963 | | pagina 135