Summary. Examined is skeletal material, mainly cranial, part of which was collected on the sites of flooded cemeteries in the Dutch province of Zeeland, while the remainder originates from still accessible brick sarcophagi in the same province, all of them dating from before ca. 1530 A. D. The results have been compared with those previously published by De Man, Sasse and Huizinga. These authors agree that brachycephaly as well as dolichocephaly have for several centuries been represented in Zeeland. Up till now (Hui zinga) the problem as to which of these settled there first, has not been solved, nor has the origin of the brachycephalics been established. Of the same importance as the average index (82,03 0,935) of the present material is the analysis of the various regions: the figures tend to confirm earlier reports by De Man and Sasse to the effect that the inhabitants of the former island of Noord-Beveland, east of Wijtvliet, were brachycephalic. Their conclusion that Reimerswaal was inhabited by an anthropologically mixed population holds good as well, though one may question whether fifty as the percentage of dolichocephalics (Sasse) is not too high. On the other hand, our skulls show exclusively brachycephalic indices for the specimens from Walcheren and Aardenburg (Zeeuws-Vlaanderen), whe reas De Man was of the opinion that during the period concerned there was a mixed population. However, one must keep in mind that his figures as well as ours derive from extremely small groups. In the range of skull height the Zeeland specimens of the various investi gations show a middle value, approximate to the figure for Alpines. However, the average of 126,8 mm calculated for Zeeland skulls from Reimerswaal by Hagedoorn and Keers is somewhat lower, also in comparison with Frisian skulls. Concerning skull indices they concluded that Frisian and Zeeland people each represent different types, both in respect of brachycephaly and of dolichocephaly. The following pages contain: 1. Map of localities. 2. Drawings of most of the described skulls, with corresponding numbers (cf. p. 23—45). 3. Two tables of measurements (in cm) and indices. 50

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 1965 | | pagina 56