The Zeeuwsch Genootschap and the Formation of its Correspondence Network scholars, including Linnaeus, and that he will forward any information that is received from them to the ZGW.86 Boddaert's role in recruiting Linnaeus can be seen through his multiple letters to Linnaeus and the ZGW on the matter. In a letter addressed by Boddaert to the ZGW and dated on October 2, 1771, he states that he is excited that the ZGW has sent a diploma to Linnaeus and that Linnaeus will, in all likeliness, not refuse the honour. Furthermore, Boddaert asserts that it is honourable for the society to be associated with such a grand name.87 Simul taneously, Boddaert sends a letter to Linnaeus on how they can now be consid ered 'colleagues' because of his membership of the ZGW.88 Boddaert might have played a central role in establishing a connection with Linnaeus, but it was Justus Tjeenk who sent the diploma and to whom Linnaeus responds, thanking him for the proposal and that he would be honoured to become a member of the ZGW.89 The importance of a vast network was recognised by the ZGW and its mem bers, and active steps were undertaken by most of them to enlarge the ZGW's net work with reputable scholars. The aim of such a network was briefly summarised in a letter by Boddaert to the ZGW, dated on October 29, 1769. As he points out in his letter, the incorporation of 'capable gentlemen' in the ZGW will not only allow him to increase through correspondence his 'knowledge of science, but it will also benefit the ZGW and Zeeland as a whole.90 Between the years 1766-1771, the ZGW added 55 members and 19 directors who lived outside of Zeeland. They made up 52.6% of the total network.91 These findings then lead to another ques tion: was the ZGW able to utilise its network for the creation of knowledge? The Network and the Gathering of Information Peter Burke's four stages of the creation of knowledge - gathering, analysing, disseminating and employing - are used to analyse the ZGW's correspondence, starting with the gathering phase. The ZGW's aim was the advancement of the arts and sciences. 'Arts and Sciences' provide a broad topic range, which in prac- 11O 86 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 58, scan 113. 87 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 60, scan 91. 88 Alvin, Platform for digital collections and digitized cultural heritage, Letter October-Decem ber? 1771, Utrecht to Carl Linnaeus, Uppsala. (accessed December 1, 2019). 89 Alvin, Letter 26 October 1771, Uppsala to Juste Tjeenk, Vlissingen. (accessed December 1, 2019). 90 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 58, scan 219. 91 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 121, scan 3-6; ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 119, scan 4-6.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 2020 | | pagina 111