The Zeeuwsch Genootschap and the Formation of its Correspondence Network The information that was sent to the ZGW in a variety of forms did not always come from the authors. Members were also encouraged to send in information gathered through their networks. In this gathering of information, both Boddaert and Sandifort played a part again, sending in essays written by colleagues from not only the Dutch Republic, but also Sweden and Germany.100 An example of this would be Sandifort sending observations made by Prof. Johann Simon Gottlieb Dinkler, a physician in Elberfeld, Germany.101 Jacob Ploos van Amstel, a member since 1770, sent in a letter describing an experiment performed by Mr. L. van Nooten Janszoon who attempted to use electricity to cure a paralysation.102 The variety of the topics and forms of the information gathered as well as the people sending in the information, suggests that even during its early years, the ZGW managed to utilise its network to gather information. Nevertheless, infor mation can only provide orientation in the world if it is processed into knowledge, which occurs at the analysing stage. Practices to Analyse Information The analysing stage, the second stage, is the 'cooking' of information into knowl edge, for which different practices can be employed: comparison and contrast, interpretation, verification, the discovery of facts and critiquing.103 All these prac tices should lead to the end product: a synthesis of knowledge that gives an un derstanding of a topic.104 The first step in producing such knowledge from the correspondence of the ZGW would be that those letters are not just received and read by the secretary, but are also available to the members of the ZGW. The ZGW had a monthly meeting, to which every director and member was invited.105 The president chaired the meetings and, alongside the secretary, gave an account of all the incoming letters, essays, and gifts.106 Nevertheless, it remains unclear if the content of every letter was discussed, or if there was a selection process to determine which pieces would be deliberated on. 112 100 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 58, scan 113; ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 60, scan 81, 91. 101 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 60, scan 81. 102 ZA, Arch. KZGW, inv. nr. 56, scan 10. 103 Burke, History of Knowledge, 58, 63-72. 104 Burke, History of Knowledge, 74. 105 Zeelands Chronyk-Almanach, voor'tjaar 1785. Middelburg: Gillissen en Zoon, 1785, 935. Del- pher, (accessed December 11, 2019). 106 Zeelands Chronyk-Almanach, voor't jaar 1785, 936.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 2020 | | pagina 113