exhibition 10 jaar Forum: Kunst in de luwte which was part of the overarching manifestation Boezem and Co in the Spring of 2015, shows one of these reselected narratives from the past and is thereafter narrated in different media, ranging from exhibition to a book launch.22 As mentioned before, socio-cultural contexts chiefly shape an individual's memory. This medial and institutional shaped memory must subsequently be ac tualized and lived by individuals. Again, the focus lies on the active and living aspect of this field of study. The process of cultural memory is a vicious circle: without such actualizations, monuments, rituals, or media an event is nothing but dead material, failing to have any impact in societies and thus unable to trig ger memories. This thought is important to keep in mind when scrutinizing Fo rum's part in cultural memory. Middelburg and the artistic climate in the 1970's Piet van Daalen One may assume that at the start of the 1970s, Middelburg already found itself in a pool of artistic aspiration. Especially when Piet van Daalen, a respected art historian specialized in nineteenth-century Dutch sculpture, became director of the Zeeuws Museum in Middelburg. In Zeeland he was known as an erudite and extravagant man from the city who stubbornly tried to tie progressive art forms to local themes. Within the sphere of the international art world, Piet van Daalen was respected for his eccentric curatorial work and his outsider character. He is remembered for his share in the emergence of works by Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, Ben d'Armagnac and Gerrit Dekker.23 In addition, Van Daalen im agined himself to create and generate ideas about what the museum of the 21st century should look like. According to him, this type of museum would not gen erate the museum visitor as a consumer, but as an active participant. Subsequent- Eva Langerak 225 22 Boezem and Co. De Stad als Podium. Stichting Beeldende Kunst Middelbug De Vleeshal. http://vleeshal.nl/nl/publieksprogramma/boezem-co-de-stad-als-podium (document accessed June 27, 2020). 23 Leen Bedaux (ed.), Koen Brams, Antje von Graevenitz, Maria Gilissen, Anna Hakkens, Clau- dine Hellweg, Nico Out, Onvoltooid verleden tijdMiddelburg jaren zeventig. De relatie van het Zeeuws Museum met vernieuwende kunstenaars als Marcel Broodthaers, Joseph Beuys, Ben d'Armagnac en Gerrit Dekker liep via de legendarische eerste museumdirecteur Piet van Daalen. Middelburg: Zeeuws Museum, 2012, 13.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 2020 | | pagina 226