From the local artistic group, there seems to be a quite positive attitude towards Forum. In a letter written by Ben Sleeuwenhoek, originally from Middelburg and at that time working in Middelburg, Forum is presented and praised for its attrac tive force for the creative community. He points out that 'provincial mediocrity' is bypassed and that Zeeland houses people who are looking for quality again. The role of Forum is unmistakable in this phenomenon, which makes repetition and expansion important and necessary for the creative development in Zeeland and elsewhere.45 The local appreciation of Forum is also expressed and documented in several articles that appeared in the PZC. Especially regarding the first edition in 1977, the media attention is remarkably pronounced. The event is announced several times as 'a meeting about actual artistic expressions, which could be an incentive for the creative functioning of the human being.'46 In the years that followed, Andreas Oosthoek wrote extensive and in depth features in which he highlighted a few of the practices by the participating artists. The local memory in the 21st century Forum's current local memory is arguably the most interesting topic of discus sion. As argued by Halbwachs, the 'space' of the memory plays an important fac tor in remembering. The lack of local memory is astonishing, especially when we take into account that the city was quite involved with regard to the locations that the artists chose to manufacture their work: Gilberto Zorio's sculpture at the Muntplein, Lothar Baumgarten's flags on the towers of the Abbey and Dorothee von Windheim's work at the Korte Geere and the Vleeshal. Pierre Nora specifies the importance of space and place in his theory on lieux de mémoire, sites of memory. To Nora, these are places where the memory of a specific event is crys tallized. This place now 'embodies' the sense of historical continuity.47 However, the places where Forum occurred - the Kuiperspoort, the Abbey and the Vleeshal - do not materially embody the historical sensation or memory of Forum, which is of course quite problematic for the process of remembering. Whereas other Eva Langerak 235 45 Letter from Ben Sleeuwenhoek to Forum organisation, private archive Maria-Rosa Boezem and Marinus Boezem. 46 Creatief Functioneren van de Mens: Forum 77 over actuele kunst in Middelburg. PZC, March 18, 1977. 47 Pierra Nora, Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire. In: Representations, Vol 26 (1989), 7.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 2020 | | pagina 236