A place for experimentation beyond the fringe Forum did not aim to advocate itself as a new form of art, or a group with a man ifesto. On the contrary, they have been profoundly involved with the interface between the visual arts and other art forms such as dance, theatre, movement, music, design, sculpture, audio-visual arts and architecture. The manifestation acted as a bridge, a mediator that connected the participating artists from dif ferent disciplines. Instead of creating a new artistic movement or group, Forum offered a place for experimentation, discussion and development. As Maria-Rosa Boezem stated in the interview published in Forum: Kunst in de luwte, the suc cess formula of Forum arose from the remote environment in which the artists were not afraid to experiment. Never were there any art bigwigs breathing down the artists' necks. In addition, there was no one-way traffic in which the artist is passively admired by the public.60 On the contrary, Forum provided the artists, as well as the public, a voice with which the interaction in lectures, discussions and workshops was stimulated and deepened. The intensity of the workshops and the loads of information, squeezed into just a couple of days per manifesta tion, as might be inferred from letters to Maria-Rosa Boezem, indicate a success ful experiment that was only at the beginning of its success. The organisation of Forum attempted to meet the demands of the artists, even if they exceeded the established boundaries. The goal was to give artists the ultimate artistic freedom to express their ideas and embark on experiments. This freedom gave them the opportunity to experiment with places in the city of Middelburg. This freedom of location was in particular interesting and necessary for Luciano Fabro, who saw location as a component of the work itself. He justified the importance of location by saying that 'works of art with several meanings or levels of meaning will undergo a change of content, of this meaning, whenever you relocate them.'61 Fabro's use of the word 'meaning' can be best understood as 'interpretation. This interpretation thus shifted whenever the location and interior context of the work changed. In the documentary of Forum 1987 we see Fabro hoisting up his works of art in the Kloostergangen, together with the support of the Forum Eva Langerak 239 60 Maria-Rosa Boezem and Marinus Boezem, 'Work and Enjoyment, Nostalgia and Anger, Inter viewed by Andreas Oosthoek, Forum 1977-1987: Explorations of Art from beyond the Fringe, 18-19. 61 Luciano Fabro, Luciano Fabro talks to Jole de Sanne. In: Maria-Rosa Boezem and Philip Peeters (eds), Forum 1977-1987: Explorations of Art from beyond the Fringe. Liempde: Kempen, 1994, 353.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Archief | 2020 | | pagina 240