o E E O O O O O grey teeth inscribed vt O) QJ (N PM Dog leapt up grabbed my arm It was an upright dog. Dog, Dog, I said. His fine my bone. We, together, waltzed four footprints in the quickly purpling snow, the chain freed from the Keeper's loop hizzed behind us like a comet's tail. Jaws relaxed snapped for grip; a sea wept through my fingers. We swayed our marriage motion for the crowd; then ploughed 5 wounds upon the wind: Pain, I postulated, the Dog howled after. Memory Fear! Then Strength of the monumental hand slammed down upon the muzzle of this Shuck That paces out the cube of all I am. The Dog meat thrilled: I drilled his Then With one last dialectic, Death. He rolled upon the winter street, His motion broken, argument complete. Nok 2013 V)

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Ballustrada | 2014 | | pagina 24