the Coordinating Committee Dike-raising' in wh :h the Government and all interested ore jnizations are represented. This procedure ha; proved to be very useful. Two thirds of the rai: ngs in accordance with the Delta-Act have aire ady been executed. At present works am runting to 700 million guilders still have to be one. A multiple longrange plan has been set jp in accordance- as much as possible- wit the urgency of the various projects. Dil -raising in Noord-Brabant Sir e the flood disaster in February, 1953, the coi rol of the sea defenses in the Province of No rd-Brabant has been centralized in one so ailed 'Hoogheemraadschap' (Water Au tority). In the first instance the damage was rep ired according to a so-called 'weak spots pi; V. The safeguarding of the northern basin by he Haringvlietdam made it possible to inc rporate old schemes to make the Biesbos an the Donge-area surge-free. Ec ogical aspects of the partial dike-raising ale g the Oosterschelde Th partial raising of the dikes might prove to be armful to the natural environment. Exi cution in the wet in particular, requiring a ter oorary working zone of 15 meters, might ca e considerable damage especially to the on rdike saltings and to a lesser degree to the int "sections. The dikes proper when their ole titched stone slope is preserved, will regain an iteresting inter-tidal flora and fauna. On the tur he new maintenance system will cause the isappearance of a great part of the old flora. Th Delta-flume In c nnection with the preliminary studies for the orm-surge barrier in the Oosterschelde, so nechanical tests have been made on a larc scale, among other things, in the lat atories of Oregon State University. Ho ver, in the Netherlands a need is being felt too >r large model facilities for combined soil me anical/hydraulic research. In the near fut e a new flume will be installed in the Hyc: ulics Laboratory in Delft with a total len h of 250 meter and a cross-section of 5 x 5 m2. Lat r provisions for the Oosterschelde works The nstruction of a storm-surge barrier across the mouth of the Oosterschelde will represent work for 18 000 man/years. In view of the shortage on the labour market in Zeeland, particularly in the concrete sector, labour will have to be supplied, mainly from Noord-Brabant. For that reason the idea has been considered of locating the construction pit for the piers on the construction island near the Philips-locks. In that case the navigation route towards the mouth of the Oosterschelde would have to go via the Zeeland-bridge. The construction site will in fact be established in the former 'dock Schaar' at the mouth of the Oosterschelde. In order to shorten travelling times a fixed bridge connecting the construction site with the shore is to be constructed. Provisions for a road connection across the storm-surge barrier A decision will have to be taken about the provisions which are to be made regarding the piers so that at a later stage the construction of a road connection across the storm-surge barrier will be feasible. A prognosis has been made about the expected through-traffic, the local and recreational traffic. A double lane road with a parallel road will amply meet the estimated demand. Progress with studies and preparations in connection with the storm-surge barrier. The second semester of 1977 The alterations that the design of the storm-surge barrier underwent in the second half of 1977 are mentioned here, insofar as they are not discussed in separate articles. Thus, the distance between the piers will be enlarged to 45 meters. The idea to install double gates in the dam orto leave the possibility open to do so, at a later stage, has been abandoned definitely. With the design of the auxiliary material progress has been made too. 219

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1978 | | pagina 53