The design of the storm-surge barrier; its evolution to date From recent investigations we learned that the perpendicular loadings on the storm-surge barrier are estimated to be 20% less than previously assumed. In other elements of the design, adjustments are still being carried out to meet the changing insights. The diameter of the piers will be increased but the height can be decreased. The sill beam which formerly was designed as a rectangle will now have the shape of a trapezium. In the final design enough spare room is added to the wet cross-section so that the desired tidal range of 2.70 meter at Yerseke can certainly be achieved. Inter-action of the piers of the storm-surge barrier with the sill and the sub-soil The piers of the storm-surge barrier will have to transmit the forces of the wave action and the tidal range which are exerted on the barrier, to the sub-soil. This partly occurs along the base and partly along the walls of the pier. To be able to calculate the dimensions of these complements it is necessary to know how these forces are distributed. Regarding the friction resistance between the base and the foundation bed large scale tests have been made in Schelphoek. At the same time the amplitude of the lateral load on the piers was examined. Only a slight dislocation of the lower sill beam was observed. In view of the great differences in water level which may occur between the outer water and the estuarine water when the barrier is closed, additional heavy blocks of stone will have to be dumped atthe Oosterschelde side. Geo-pontoon and diving-bell The plan to construct a movable barrier across the mouth of the Oosterschelde made it necessary to intensify the soil mechanical research in situ and to execute this research at a much greater depth than before. Consequently additional new equipment was needed. In this paper two pieces are discussed namely the geo-pontoon, an auxiliary vessel forthe execution of soundings and drillings; and a diving-bell - weighing 70 ton - which can be lowered into the water from the geo-pontoon. The diving-bell which can withstand a water pressure of 200 meter is mounted on a footing and can move in any direction by means of a ball bearing. It can be jacked into a straight upright position even on an inclining bottom. From within the bell soundings and drillings can be made. Windows permit visual observation. Positioning service vessels across the mouth of the Oosterschelde During the construction of the storm-surge barrier the works onorunderthe water will mostly be done with the aid of vessels. They are not permitted, however, to anchor in the conventional way as this may damage the bottom protection. Therefore a pattern of fixed mooring-masts has been set out where vessels can achor in the work-area. Every mooring-masl has a cast iron top. The masts, complete with the cast iron tops, are driven into the sea-bed. Water managerial aspects in the Delta area The Zeeland waterways are interconnected either via open water or via locks. The various systems, especially as far as the salinity, nutrients level and water level are concerned, have either to be fully attuned to one and another or to be strictly isolated by hydraulic engineering structures. As the Oosterschelde remains in open communication with the sea and thus will retain its salt tidal system, the water managerial aspects will all have to be reviewed. In this paper an inventory is made of the external influences which can affect the system of the Oosterschelde. To ascertain that the desired degree of salinity will indeed be achieved in the partially closed Oosterschelde an insight should be gained into the extent of the various influences and their mechanisms. In this paper various methods of research into the matter are discussed. An assumption has been made that, at a later date, the stormsurge barrier can also be used to control the salinity of the water. The water level on the Zoommeer The water level on the fresh water Zoommeer, behind the Philipsdam and the Oesterdam, could, if so desired, remain at a fixed level, fluctuate or change with the seasons. Investigations are made to establish which situation corresponds best with the interests of water management, navigation, recreation, agriculture and energy supply. In general a fixed target level around N.A.P. would be most favourable for all parties concerned. Advice will be given accordingly. 382

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1979 | | pagina 56