Ac uatic ecological research U to now studies have generally been limited to aking inventories of the Oosterschelde. Tf ase inventories indicated that the 0 sterschelde is an area of exceptional b logical abundance. However, in order to be a. .e to evaluate the situation after 1985, p ogress-studies must be made whereby si ecial attention is given to the influence of the fl ctuations in salinity on diversity, the progress- p ttern of the food-chains in terms of production, c< nsumption and mineralisation and transport o organic matter. To carry outthese studies, th ore is much collaboration with the section H drology; and, outside the Service with the D Ita Institute for Hydrological Research. T e management of the Oosterschelde barrier T e ecological section has contributed highly to tf a scheme for manoeuvring the Oosterschelde b rrier after its completion. The background of tf s input consists of studies based on to-day's s: nation, the situation in 1985 and the anticipated effects on the eco-system when the b rrier is in operation. T e studies of the section Ecology are e pecially focused on the effects the closure of th a barrier will have on the organisms living in th a tidal zone, on the geomorphology of that zc ne, in particular on the edges of the salt rr 3rches. Stagnant periods of overtwelve hours ir conjuction with a water-level below A.O.D. 2.50 m. are anticipated to be detrimental to the natural surroundings. Means to control the quality of the water The care given to the quality of the water is, to a great extent, due to the legal obligations imposed by the Government. This article mainly describes the technical means used for the control of the quality and the research programme used to gather the necessary background information. The Delta Plan - a school for the handling of environmental and organisational problems After a decade of collaboration between hydrological engineers and ecologists, an evaluation can be made. Collaboration, if there is to be any, should start from the onset of the work to achieve an integral approach of the work. It has proved to be desirable that hydraulic engineers and ecologists operate together within one department. This improves the chances of acceptance of their work in the outside world. And of course, it is essential that the actions of the ecologists must be based on their objective knowledge and not on group interests. P nning and management of the A/ irkiezaatsmeer T e area behind the Oesterdam eastward of the S heldt-Rhine connection, will be separately e ibanked and consequently be turned into a fr ish water lake. The building of a dam on the w stward side will already highly reduce the tii al action. At a later date the tidal action will cc mpletely disappear. The city of Bergen op Zoom wishes to urbanize this area. Recreational and conservational functionsforthis area are also taken into consideration. The section Ecology and Environment Planning is endeavouring to find the most desirable sc ution. For adequate water-control it could be preferable to separate part of the Randmeer. This partitioning may also serve to divert the re eational load from the actual M kiezaatsmeer. 295

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1981 | | pagina 69