Summaries The foundation mattresses of the piers for the Oosterschelde barrier The foundation of the piers for the Oosterschelde barrier must satisfy high tydraulic and soil mechanical requirements. The cyclic energy gradients appear to be lighest directly under a pier, on the boundary one between the pier and the natural sub-soil. The first three filter-layers of the foundation bed herefore could only be placed in a pre-packed orm so as to prevent dissolution and the nclosure of sand lenses. This method, in its urn, created new problems; it proved that ometimes the top of the layer was not ufficiently smooth, preventing complete dhesion between the filtermattress and the eabed, thus allowing piping towards cavities inder the mattress. This would be nadmissable, in particular directly underthe piers. luctuations of the bed in the Oosterschelde Since 1870, information has been available bout regular soundings of the )osterschelde-bed. From 1959 onwards, these oundings have been taken annually. It is now pparent that apart from the tendency of hifting in the long run - as happens with the couring of the channels and heightening of the hoals - short term fluctuations also occur. study has been made of these short-term hanges in an area near the Roggenpiaat eparately overthe period 1959-1969 and the ieriod 1969-1979, in three different types of ectors: the shoal areas, the beds of the hannels and the sides of the channels. The eneral conclusion of this study was, that the influence of the execution of the works, if any, was to slow down and stabilize the morphological processes. Study of flushing the Oosterschelde As a result of the reduction of tidal action in the Oosterschelde after the construction of the Oosterschelde barrier, the mixing process of the North Sea and Oosterschelde waters will decrease; to what extent will actually depend upon the processes in operation. The whole process of mixing is of great importance to the future salinity in the Oosterschelde. In order to support already published literature and existing field measurements, the anticipated mixing situation has been investigated in two models, i.e. in the M1000, a physical model of the Oosterschelde and in the 'Ooster', a computermodel. The result derived, confirmed the validity of previous research and the measurements. Tree planting on the Volkerak-constructions Tree planting on the Volkerak-constructions is partially purely functional; in order to protect shipping against heavy winds when coming into the locks, belts of trees have been planted. Plans have also been made to plant trees on the extensive grounds which formerly served as spoil dumps. One of these plans has already evolved into 'the Willemstad Woods' and covers an area of 65 has. The trees that have already been planted are growing well. The future management of this tree plantation is still under discussion. 349

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1981 | | pagina 55