9( neters have proved to be indispensable. P sently, there are three separate models, one fc each closure gap. Each model possesses a g t, the size of one sluice opening, in which all d ails are registered. The first calibrations s w sufficient similarity with the physical rr asurements to justify further use. C iwth of marine organisms in and on the s rm-surge barrier 1 ;dies are being made to assess how the - iwth of marine organisms - particularly issels - will impede the functioning of the sterschelde barrier or its components, owth on the top-layer of the upper foundation stresses would be unfavourable, but it is probable that this will occur as the sand on :m moves continuously. The sill of the rm-surge barrier, however, offers an ractive environment for mussels as there are al spots to which they can attach themselves d also because there is sufficient current. 0 mussels will concentrate particularly on outer layers of the sill. Although it could be ssible that an unbalanced mussel-growth luld adversely affect the stability of the sill, ts already taken in a biological model, have own that the sill will remain stable under all icipated patterns of growth. e southern dam-section of the Oester Dam sign, implementation and evaluation e southern dam-section of the Oester Dam is from the Isle of South-Beveland three imeters northwards along the Scheldt-Rhine c inection. As a result of the transverse c nections built between the new dam-body a the western harbour-dam of the Kreekrak ces, the slope-protection could be made in a npler manner; moreover, copper slag-blocks v. e reclaimed from a former high-water dam a: re-used. In ome places, the bottom under the dam-body p ved to have less consistency than anticipated a consequently, required not only extra S: d but also additional work. On the higher s Ions of the slope, the concrete blocks were P ed directly on to the clay, as the contractor h proposed in his cost-saving plan. In 9;- ral this work-method proved satisfactory e' l though sometimes the lower quality clay w washed out. Bridges over the Bath Discharge Canal The Bath Discharge Canal, which will serve as a discharge canal for the future Zoommeer, crosses a great number of mains and roads and also the railway to Vlissingen. It has been decided to build all these crossings as bridges. In some cases, the length of the crossings could be reduced by narrowing the Canal locally. For aesthetic reasons, all adjacent bridges will, as far as possible, look alike. For traffic-technical reasons, the cross-sections of the roads will be aligned with similar crossings over the Scheldt/Rhine connection. The article also deals with the actual construction of the bridges and the planned execution methods. 223

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1983 | | pagina 43