Summaries Steering the 'Cardium' Some aspects of the 'Cardium' shifting system have already been discussed in the previous publication. A steering process comprising three orders led to controlled manoeuvres with eight winches at the corners of the pontoon. But how is the conveyance of the steering orders achieved? The control mechanism, consisting of six blocks is decribed in detail in this article. Block 1 comprises a delay-action filter which prevents the occurence of lurching. Block 2 converts the three orders into eight steering signals and block 3 limits the power of the steering equipment. Blocks 4 and 5 re-dis tribute the tension in the cables, and block 6 keeps a check on the anchor pattern. The blocks also exchange steering signals mutually. A forecaster provides the skipper with information on the effects of his steering movements. The execution of the foundation bed in the Hammen The actual placing of the foundation bed for the Oosterschelde barrier in the Hammen channel was started on in November 1982. It was very quickly apparent that the working cycle would have to be altered and that adjustments would also have to be made in the apparatus. Teething troubles were finally overcome by April 1983. From that time on a pier location was prepared nearly every week. The quality of the foundation-bed is satisfactory as regards filter composition and flatness. Correction needed to be made in one spot only with the assistance of a tile-mat. Sufficient compaction is achieved although this demands the utmost of the vibration equipment. The filter quality in the space between the foundation mattresses just meets the standards. Problems concerning the edging of the protective revetment This article describes the study made by a workgroup on the scouring of the edges of the protective revetment, and the research which it has carried out. It had to make recommendations as to which measures should be taken against landslides as well as against sand liquefication and to indicate where these should be taken. Further it was to predict the amount of mobili sation time necessary between the establish ment of scouring and the actual counter measures. There was a report in the previous publication on the final results. This time the study itself is dealt with in greater detail. Marine cultures in the mouth of the Oosterschelde Since 1981 research has been carried out into shellfisch cultures, fisch farming and algae cultivation in the mouth of the Oosterschelde. Research is being carried out into possible forms of renewal and in how far the Oosterschelde barrier, the harbours, construction docks and other facilities involved in the project can be used for for this purpose. Loads, located at one point on the sill-beams The sill-beams which form the supporting frames of the wet cross-section in the Oosterschelde Barrier, are subject to hydraulic 397

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1984 | | pagina 55