barri' r the Roompot lock was initially intended The developments after 1987 will probably to fus ction only in order to meet the needs of result in some improvement in the quality shipp ng for the works, but later it was decided parameters, to m <e it available for fishing boats and also for rt reation. The hydraulic marginal conditi ons e e the same as for the storm surge barri Three hours of blocking the locks ten time; a year is considered acceptable. The lock charmer is 100 m long and 16 m wide. The sill lies a M.S.L. -5,70 m. The chamber is closed bysli ing doors. In the meantime it has been deciC d to build permanent bridging over the lock c M.S.L.+22 m. Thee sure of the Marollegat The s nd closure of the Marollegat in the Oestc dam was completed in the summer of 1985 was a fairly simple job and it has been used ar making measurements with a view to clarify ng the processes which occur with a closu of this kind. Use has been made of work; ility models and of a progress model. From ie results an indication was obtained as to the iecessary equipment input, and with regar to the slopes, piston production and grain ameters. A full report will be made on this. It is a> ady apparent that the phenomenon 'sand and waterflow' looks different to what hash n assumed up till now. The cl sure gap, which was built on a soil-im prove ent, has been partially closed first from north a south and then going in the opposite direct n. In the last phase auxiliary dikes were set up in between which the gap was filled. The w ter quality of the Oosterschelde Since ie closure of the Volkerak in 1969 there is no c en connection between the Oosterschel de anr the highly polluted Rhine and Maas rivers. Since then the water quality of the Ooste chelde is being determined mainly by water assing through the Volkerak sluices, the poldei and the rivers of Brabant, by the excha ge with coastal waters and by processes in the osterschelde itself. The intake via the Volke: k sluices and from the rivers of Brabant is kept o 50 m3/s. On completion of the comp.' tment dams the water load will decrease by 45' and the nutrient load by 50%. The in uence of the coastal water on the Ooste chelde is very big. Generally, 10% Rhine nd Maas water is still to be found in the estuar carried along the coast by the currents. This ir uence may possibly decrease after 1987 c a result of new morphological develop ments rn the Voordelta. 275

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1986 | | pagina 51