water quality parameters, supplemented by intermittent measurements of the sand concentration. The data collected will form the basis for the current research into the food chain, geomor- phology and the connection between nutritious substances and biomass. This article describes the operation of the fully automated measuring station. The research vessel 'Argus' Ever since the department of Environment was set up in the seventies as part of the Delta Service, research had been carried out into the water quality of the coastal waters and of the lower river estuaries. These measurements are conducted mainly from specially equipped measuring vessels. The 'Ventjager', de 'Delta' and the 'Argus' followed in succession. This article is mainly concerned with the 'Argus'. This ship carries out its measurements by using a water sampler which is lowered into the water and which measures while the ship is in motion. The signals are entered into an on board computer. The ship is also equipped with three laboratories for processing water and bed samples. The equipment includes a C14 isotope laboratory which is kept carefully isolated. The 'Argus' has an extremely advanced navigation computer at its disposal, which can store the nautical data on the entire research area. There is a great demand for the facilities which the 'Argus' has to offer. Removal of ice in the northern Delta estuaries Considerable changes have occurred in the hydraulic regime of the northern Delta estuaries as well as in the formation and removal of ice in winter and spring as a result of the closure of the Volkerak and the Haring vliet. The process of ice formation is occurring more rapidly when, for example, a running river like the Haringvliet becomes a semistag- nant body of water due to reduced water flows across its depth. This causes the water surface to freeze much quicker. On the other hand the effect of the dumping of cooling water into the estuaries is noticeable, as ice formation only occurs at low air temperatures and rapidly disintegrates. The decision as to whether to break the ice is, in the first instance, in the hands of the Rijkswaterstaat. Beyond this measures may be taken for the removal of ice along certain river 440 branches and as a last resort by making usi of the Haringvliet sluices. An information processing system for shipping in the southern Delta area The procedures involved in passing throug a lock have been greatly simplified with the introduction of an information processing system for the large locks in the southern Delta area. Several stations for the regulat on of water traffic have also been included in he system. The Kreekkrak locks serve as the central computer centre. Data on a ship passing through the system are required only once and include name, loading capacity, type, depth, load, origin and destination of the vessel. These data can be stored and sign; led through from lock to lock. In this way the I »ck master can make the necessary arrangerm nts for the lock chamber in advance of the shi )'s arrival. Similarly the water authorities can estimate the traffic load on the different routes. Lists of dangerous pollutants can t e made and statistical data obtained. The cc its of installing the system and of five years operation amount to around 5 million guili ers including V.A.T. Future development of the mud flat area of the Oosterschelde Extensive research has been carried out ir o the morphological processes associated v ith the development and breakup of mud flat: in an intertidal area. This article presents the final conclusions of this research. General y speaking mud flats build up in the lee of tl e dykes or dams. Since 1950 there had bee i little new formation of mud flats as land reclamation works have practically reached a standstill. At present the mud flats are mc e often being broken up, and this phenomenon will continue after the storm surge barrier ras come into use although to a lesser extent However, some increase in the mud flat formation is expected in the neighbourhoc d of the compartment dams. A study of the extent of the damage causi d by the temporary closure of the barrier to he mud flats will be included in the BARCON project.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1986 | | pagina 54