Summaries Dr. H. L. F. Saeijs Ir. Tj. de Haan The significance of the Delta project for the safeguarding of the Netherlands against the sea The article gives an historical survey of the geological development of the Netherlands since the end of the last glacial period. Mans role became increasingly evident in landscape formation. Disasters and flooding make a deep impression on the generation which is immediately affected and also on the one which follows. In time however this subsides. The Delta project was the Dutch answer to the disaster of 1 953, when current safety precautions proved insufficient against the high tides. This project resulted in a structural improvement of the safety system, by way of blocking many estuaries and shortening the coast - onsiderably. But also ways of thinking about safety matters changed. A statistically proven and universal safety criterion was developed, qualified by social and economic consider ations, which ultimately led to the setting of 'timeless' criteria for the safety of coastal defences. The Delta project also evoked rapid develop ments in technical and hydraulic engeneering. In the meantime the sea steadily rises and the erosion of the North Sea coast continues. Our task for the future clearly lies in maintaining the degree of safety which has been achieved. Conditioning. Lessons of 20 centuries of Hydraulic Engeneering and Water Management The present appearance of the Netherlands is the result of 2000 years of close co-operatior of man and nature. During the 20th century some strong measures were indicated to safeguard the very existence of the country: it was threat ened by total erosion. As counter measures we first had the Zuiderzee works, and after wards the Delta project. With the latter project it became clear that water systems require as much care as any other, not only because they provide drinking water and recreation facilities, but also for their own sake. Planned transformation of the ecology together with spontaneous natural develop ments can result in a balanced strategy, known nowadays as 'conditioning'. An important instrument here is the formatioi of compartments: dividing the wet part of the country into subsystems with their own infra structure; each of which must be regulated a a whole: water body, bedding, shores and ground water. Subsequent governmental memoranda concerning Water Policy show how the thinking about water developed: the approach became more and more functional, and the preservation of water systems became a matter of growing importance. During the last 25 years a great number of hydraulic constructions has been built, each functioning as a steering device for large stretches of water upstream and downstrearr sometimes unintentionally. These works should therefore always be carefully super vised by ecologists until long after their completion, if they are to function as intended. Drs. S. P. van der Zee The Delta project. Some socio-economic considerations, especially with regard to Zeeland At the time of industrialisation in the Nether lands, in the 19th century, Zeeland failed to keep pace. This was mainly due to the isolated position of the islands. Even after World War II Zeeland remained principally agararian. When this province wa: struck by disaster, in February 1953, the future looked bleak. Nevertheless the famous 750

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1988 | | pagina 80