economist Jan Tinbergen thought that i vestment in a large scale recovery program vfould in the long run prove profitable. The elta project thus became the lever which put I eeland back on the map. Around 1970 it was c enerally thought that seaport development end heavy industry would be the magic wand, l ater on, the disadvantages of such a devel opment were seen more clearly. I nder the influence of the Delta project employment in Zeeland developed more favourably than in the country as a whole. From recent research it is clear that ferneuzen and Vlissingen score highly as favourable spots for industry and harbours. At present the best prospects are in recreation and in industrial activities. Provincial policy a (SO aims to stimulate agriculture and fishery. I i every respect Zeeland now profits from the improved accessability of the former islands. "The Delta project has given Zeeland an excellent springboard with which to maintain i s share in the national welfare. I R. M. Th. Adriaansens I ievelopments in planning the southwestern I art of Holland [luring the time of the Republic, Zeeland was a commercial and shipping area. In the 19th century, however, it lost its momentum, and fall back into rural insignificance, isolated f om the rest of the country. The disaster of 1953 shocked the people into action and the Delta projet, initiated soon after, greatly altered the spatial structure of ieeland. For some time massive land recla mation was considered, as well as large scale I arbour developments; but these plans were I iter abondoned. Nature and landscape preservation have gradually gained higher esteem. A debate of many years on the spatial structure and its development has been held, in which the future of the Oosterschelde was tantamount: Should it be closed, or left open? [luring this debate an important planning principle emerged, namely to keep open as many options as possible. The most recent sketch for the physical planning of Zeeland therefore offers only tentative suggestions for the future of the f rea.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1988 | | pagina 81