L'iïert V.-yiule Ruiter l'OW (1 i;t'VM OeW in \'.i;:\\ KDKUXAMDT. In 1607 stichtte de Virginia Company of London de kolonie Virginia met als hoofdvestiging Jamestown. In zijn Generall History of Virginia (1624) merkte John Smith bij zijn overzicht van wederwaardigheden van de kolonie in 1619 op: 'About the last of August came in a Dutch man of warre that sold us twenty Negars.'1 Deze gebeurtenis wordt door twee andere bronnen gestaafd. Zo schreef John Pory, secretaris van de kolonie, op 30 september aan sir Dudley Carlton, de Engelse gezant in Den Haag: Having mett with so fitt a messenger as this man of warre of Flushing, I could not but imparte with your lordship these poore fruites of our labours here The occasion of this ship's com ing hither was an accidental consortship in the West Indies with the Tre[a]surer, an English man of warre also, licensed by a Commission from the Duke of Savoye to take Spaniards as lawfull prize. This ship, the Treasurer, wente out of England in Aprill was twelve moneth, about a moneth, I thinke, before any peace was concluded between the king of Spaine and that prince. Hither shee came to Captaine Argall, then governour of this Colony, being parte-owner of her. Hee more for love of gaine, the root of all evill, then for any true love he bore to this Plantation, victualled and manned her anewe, and sent her with the same Commission to raunge the Indies.2 20 Zeeuws Tijdschrift 2010 3-4

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeeuws Tijdschrift | 2010 | | pagina 20