^3 Krijn de Koning THE SPIRIT OF A PLACE Krijn de Koning was free to choose the location for his contribution to Fafade 2012. Without hesitation he chose the for mer location of Miniatuur Walcheren. At present it is a ruin; a connection between memory and reality. Miniatuur Walcher en only exists in the collective memory of those who have visited this miniature world, built to a scale of 1:20. However, it has not yet completely disappeared; not all traces have as yet been eradicated. The fundaments on which the structures were built still exist, as do a couple of dikes, footpaths and walls. Today's reality views like an archeological site, which shows us a glimpse of a world no longer existing. This location awaits a new destination. Its past has nearly ended, but its future has not yet begun. Krijn de Koning just loves amuse ment parks. Of course they are too cheer ful and too colorful, but the pleasure that visitors derive from it is completely real. To formulate a paradox: an amusement park is a form of authentic fake. An amusement park resembling Miniatuur Walcheren as it once was, is nothing but a construction. It is a world that we lay claim to. It is a world as we want it to be, an ideal of our real world in which we live. The distinction between reality and ideal is rather superficial. The only real difference between the two is the scale. We can experience both places, and either feel at home or not. However, we can of course not actually live in the small houses. By intervening in the scale of Minia tuur Walcheren De Koning transforms it. His architectonic installation connects the different scales that are still visible. The bookstall, which before marked the entrance, is nearest us physically, with its scale of 1:1. The mini railway that once transported children around the park is too little for the big world and too big for the little world. The small dike, planted with trees, creates a border around the park, and is of yet a different scale. We are still able to envision the scale of the hous es because of the remaining fundaments. By bringing everything together in one image, De Koning creates unity in diver sity. He does not remove anything and adds nothing to this location. Although he somehow does add the memory of the former Miniatuur world to the world in which we live, which is simply a con struction, as was the miniature world of Walcheren. They are both fafades. Neither of these world differ in terms of authen ticity; they are expressions of meanings that we give to things. The houses, the city, the roads - whether they exist in the reality of our world or in the reality of the scaled model, they all look like we think they should. By directing our gaze, De Koning's work leads to the psychology behind the visible reality. It invokes the experience of a place in transition. Miniatuur Wal cheren does not exist anymore, although near the highway leading into Middelburg one finds its present-day successor, Mini Mundi. This does not mean that the for mer site has become tabula rasa or an empty space. Each site has an idea, a soul that does not disappear just because we decide to make use of it in another way. In what way would we like to experience such a place? www.krijndekoning.nl Foto: Thom Schaar (ft 76

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeeuws Tijdschrift | 2012 | | pagina 74