Renato Nicolodi A MONUMENT FOR MEMORY he builds the project. In his project for Fafade 2012 he cooperated with art acad emy students from the south of the Neth erlands and Flanders. Together with them he wants to transform the site of the pro ject, but only for a limited period of time. The collection of the building materials, the construction, and the eventual demol- ishment, are as important to Kawamata as is the actual product. This approach is in line with how the structure comes to being. It is not completely developed on the drawing table; instead it grows accord ing to a day-by-day changing reality. This breaks with architectonic conventions. Kawamata's architecture connects the outside and inside, past and present, and man and his changing environment in a fluent way. His installations are an ongoing pro cess which brings together a social inter action, the special character of a place, and memory, in a temporary image made specifically for that one site. If it is your intention to intervene in the human envi ronment for such a short length of time, it is obvious to use wood, which is by nature in a constant state of flux. If we want to know were we are going, we have to know were we come from. It is memory that shows us the way between then and later, and Renato Nicolodi's artistry is all about that way. On the man telpiece in his living room he has placed faded pictures and in memoriam cards in a seemingly random fashion. It is a devo tional altar. One of the pictures shows a marksman at a funfair shooting-gallery, just about to 'shoot' the biggest prize of his life. He is in the company of his wife and son, and people waiting for their turn. It is a common photo taken at the fair, and is a longstanding tradition in the Nicolodi family; from grandfather to father to son. Such a collection reveals what is often hidden, namely the passing of time, the things that disappear and those remembered. At the same time we observe the continuity of things that escape temporality and will forever be the same. Nicolodi designs architectonic forms that are an image of memory and want to reflect on human existence. He started by making concrete casts of bunker walls.

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeeuws Tijdschrift | 2012 | | pagina 76