The FOUR FREEDOMS I de vier vrijheden en veiligheid wereldwijd Een erfenis voor vandaag én morgen the four freedoms and global security A legacy for today and tomorrow The first 'I he second The third The fourth N tin* future ii;iv s, which we seek to make sc 1 ure, we look forward to a world founded uptin four essential human freedoms. is freedom til speech rand ex presaon—every where in the world. is freedom oi every person to worship (i<nl in his own way—everywhere in the world, is freedom from want-^whfcH translated into world terms, means economic understandings which ilj secure to even nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world. is freedom front fear—whk-ll translated into world terms, means a world-wide reducrion of arma ments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will I*' in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against am neighboranywhere* M Si* A(i t ro r H K 77' CONGRESS - JAM AM f>, 1941 Op 6 januari 1941, tijdens een van de donkerste dagen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog toen de democratie in het grootste deel van Europa zwaar onder vuur lag, riep de Amerikaanse president Franklin D. Roosevelt zijn landgenoten op om de Verenigde Staten te helpen een wereld te grondvesten op basis van vier essentiële menselijke vrijheden: Vrijheid van Meningsuiting; Vrijheid van Godsdienst; Vrijwaring van Gebrek en Vrijwaring van Vrees. On January 6, 1941, during some of the darkest days of the Second World War, at a time when democracy was under siege in much of Europe and Asia, us President Franklin D. Roosevelt called upon his fellow countrymen to help the United States establish a world based on four essential human freedoms: Freedom of Speech and Expression; Freedom of Worship; Freedom from Want; and Freedom from Fear. - m !M L ft J C N I ntOH VRfX N> i*P r'|i V 1 I 1 li I I'M l" Of lit* «U I IH t Alio N I* H - 9*p«« I 1 i h s^ï |OS 41 Plüt ITkOS oMM lV M.lw. NAIloNAL «Sirta i o| r4i|BN I I A.V1> 1 J 44/111 M tekst text David B. Woolner 33 Zeeuws Tijdschrift 2016 2

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeeuws Tijdschrift | 2016 | | pagina 17