EEN ANDERE SCOPE OP TERMINOLOGIE In een Engels blad vond ik het ABC voor vogelaars over de verschillende termen en definities, waarmee je in vogelboeken en -bladen wordt over spoeld. Hier volgen enkele (Engelse) omschrijvingen: A Atlantic depression: A feeling of seasickness caused by staring through binoculars during a pelagic trip. Usually combined with dipping. B Birdline: An information service reporting major rarities at least 250 miles away. Unless you happen to be dipping on a twitch, in which case the latest rarity will be in your local park. Birder: Usually a sad, rather lonely figure, best identified by its abundance of green clothing and possession of a scope. The latter can virtually confirm any sighting as the only other person likely to carry a scope is an astronomer, which is a real rarity and is also completely nocturnal. D Dip (Dipping)The art of being in the right place at the wrong timeor the wrong place at the right time. H Hide (1): A rain shelter from which sheep, cows or rabbits can usually be observed. Hide (2): Something most twitchers usually fail to do when a major rarity is around. I Immature: Behavioural description of some twitchers, L List: Inability of a birder to stand up straight after visiting the local pub. Life list: A more serious drink problem brought on by years of dipping. 5 Lifer: A bird you have not seen before; what all your efforts are for - is it really all worth it? Why not take up stamp collecting, where at least money can buy happiness. P Pelagic: Pertaining to the maritime environment. Excellent for birds, not birdwatchers. You are usually so seasick you couldn't care less what you see Primary projection: Your first school report which stated you would never be outstanding in any field. How wrong they were - you now stand out in all sorts of fields. R Rarity: A bird that everyone else has seen except you. Resident: Local non-birder whose flowerbed you find yourself in during a twitch. Often irate and shouting so much that any rarity disappears. Ringing: Feeling inside the head the morning after celebrating a lifer. Ringing recovery: Two aspirins and a glass of Famous Grouse. Ringing scheme: Planning the above celebration. S Seawatching: As the name implies, a birder gives up a day's birdwatching to stare aimlessly at the sea instead. Sometimes fishing bouy and tanker spotting is entered into. Scrape: Injury picked up while clambering through dense woodland looking for birds. T Tick (1): Nervous spasmodic muscle movement, often brought on by years of dipping. Tick (2)Annoying sheep parasite that mainly favours birdwatching hot spots. Twitch: Collective noun for a group of birdwatchers. Recognisable from any other group of people by the fact that they gather in large numbers all facing the same way. Loud characteristic call: whereisitwhereisiC. Twitcher: A birder with strong migratory and flocking instincts. Often abbreviated to twit. Tripod: Large cumbersome weapon used to fight for space during a twitch, or to make room in a hide. Erik Sanders, J.v.Reigersbergstraat 267, 4336 XH Middelburg. 6

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

't Zwelmpje | 1994 | | pagina 4