Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland


35 resultaten gevonden

| Zeeuws Erfgoed | pagina 29

de tot op heden tien bekende verschillende soorten kompasrozen. A.J.M. de Kraker volgt met een tweede deel van het artikel over zes eeuwen stormvloeden en over stromingen in de zuidwestelijke delta. De ... , brood, bier, limonade, de ijzerfabriek van Boddaert en de gloeilampen en lampvoetenfabriek van The Vitrite Works, die pas in 1985 uit de binnenstad verhuisde naar het industrieterrein. Verder waren in de

| Zeeuws Landschap - Fauna Zeelandica | pagina 202

Kluijver, M.J. de 1989. Sublittoral hard substrate communities of the southern Delta area, SW Netherlands. Bijdr.Dierk. 59(3): 141- 158. ... Platvoet, D. S. Pinkster 1995. Changes in the amphipod fauna (Crustacea) of the Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt estuary due to the 'Delta

| Zeeland | pagina 44

karakteristiek voor Zeeland is de relatie met het water en daarmee de verschil lende musea die de visserij of de scheepvaart tot onderwerp hebben, zoals het Ramschip Schor pioen en de Delta Expo Neeltje Jans. ... Van een in hoge mate agrarisch georiënteerde provincie met enkele grote industriële bedrijven, zoals de Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde, de Vitrite Works te Middelburg, de Cokesfabriek te

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 80

The significance of the Delta project for the safeguarding of the Netherlands against the sea ... Disasters and flooding make a deep impression on the generation which is immediately affected and also on the one which follows. In time however this subsides. The Delta project was the Dutch answer

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 66

Zeeland is not only protected from the sea by the enormous works of the Delta project, but also by quite ordinary dykes and dunes. These more simple primary defences are scheduled to be all on the ... required Delta height by 1 990. The article gives a survey of recently achieved works, works in execution and in preparation of this category. The survey shows that the proposed safety from storm surges can

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 48

The Delta Works have lasted thirty years and have cost 12 milliard guilders. During the last ten year period 8 milliard guilders have been spent. The work involved in building the storm surge barrier ... Delta Services management and the managements of Bruggen and Sluizen en Stuwen. Framework contracts were signed with two combination groups of contractors. This meant that the contractors participated in

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 54

Ever since the department of Environment was set up in the seventies as part of the Delta Service, research had been carried out into the water quality of the coastal waters and of the lower river ... estuaries. These measurements are conducted mainly from specially equipped measuring vessels. The 'Ventjager', de 'Delta' and the 'Argus' followed in succession. This article is mainly concerned with the

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 50

When the natural development of a delta is interfered with by man, morphological changes may be accelerated. Not only is scientific insight necessary in order to predict these changes, but also ... Geo-morphological knowledge comes in useful not only during the execution of larga hydraulic works in coastal areas, but also t< predict the consequences of such constructions upon the morphological

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 51

In the Delta area the sea defence consists mainl of dunes. It is a flexible water barrier, which must be kept under strict supervision duet nature's freakish behaviour. As a result of the Delta Law ... When the Delta Project is completed by 1990, a chapter will have been closed on spatial development in the Netherlands. For the first time since the Roman era our country will once more have an

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 54

Besides this a commission has been set up to decide in how far the Delta Works are answerable for damage claims. ... In order to carry out the extremely extensive qualitative and quantitative environmental research in the Delta waters the Main Department of Environment and Lay-out et n call upon a Technical Support

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 55

Part if the dredging works was postponed, as for e ample the digging out of the Oos rschelde dike, as this can only be carried out hen the compartment dams are com ieted. ... The Volkerak and Zoommeer to be formed behind the compartment works will provide a considerable extension to our lower rivers. The incoming water is mainly form the Rhine and the Maas and

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 58

execution of the Delta Works. Now that this purpose has almost been served a report has been set up on possible future use. The functions under consideration lie in the field of nature management, fishery and ... Sixty years ago the Wieringer sea dikes were adapted to the new tide regime which occurred as a result of the Zuiderzee works. After the storm flood of 1953 the design levels for these dikes were

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 57

Divers have been inspecting executed works in the Delta area since 1959. A diving fleet consisting of three ships and three observer divers in regular service had already been formed in 1972 when ... preparation for the Oosterschelde works had begun.

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 49

A large number of ships are used in the delta works, not only for the execution of the Oosterschelde barrier, but also for all kinds of technical and hydraulic relief, for research and for keeping ... The objectives, tasks and equipment of the Delta fleet

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 53

Research into the consequences of postponing the compartment works ... A postponement of all or part of the compartment works of one to four years so as to alleviate the budget load of the Oosterschelde project was under consideration in 1982. At that stage half of the

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 58

appears that a completely different measure of integration prevails with regard to ecology in civil engineering planning. In the course of their execution, the Delta Works themselves have undergone a ... The locks at Hansweert in the canal running through Zuid-Beveland serve also as a primary coastal defence. They do not however meet the Delta requirements for such constructions. Even the East lock

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 54

In order to check the water quality of large areas, such as the Delta area and the North Sea, regular sampling of these waters is required. It is possible, during a six hour helicopter flight, to ... Of the 65 km. long primary coastal defence which, according to the Delta Act had to be raised, 45 km. have been completed. The sections that still have to be raised, are mainly situated between the

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 50

published in order that in future the changes taking place in these areas after the Delta Works have been completed can be registered. In future, the present tidal area of 1,700 ha will be reduced to 600 ha. ... the northern provinces. For a long time nothing has been said in this Quarterly Report about the works of the Delta Plan in the northern provinces; this is being remedied in this article. A historical

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 53

The Canal through South-Beveland will be improved, in conjunction with the other hydraulic engineering works in the Oosterschelde. The sluice on the northern side near Wemeldinge will no longer be ... dimensions as the sluices in the Krammer and the Philips dam; the height of the dam walls will be in accordance with the stipulations laid down in the Delta Law.

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 68

after the Delta works are completed are of vital importance: only then will it be known what developments can evolve from this newly created situation. ... Since 1971 a division for Ecology and Environmental Planning has been included in the Delta Service of Rijkswaterstaat; just in time to become actively involved in the decision-making regarding the

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 53

estuaries, created an Jnderwater delta in the South West of the Netherlands. The new hydraulic situation aused by the Delta Works will certainly nfluence the lie of the fore-delta and the levelopment of the ... The international significance of the Delta egion as a wintering area for birds

| Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | pagina 55

This organization also works in aid of the construction of the compartment dams. The principal tasks of HISTOS are: the preparation of statements regarding the working conditions of the storm ... The office of the Delta Service, located in Zierikzee, has been designated as the central post for the information system. Provisions have been made within the project for a close collaboration with